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187 Monte Carlo Way, Danville, California  94506  U.S.A.

TEL.: (925) 736-3008  


The clenched fist design , the mark gGoju-Kaih, and ¢„_‰ï£(in kanji) as printed here on the top are legal service marks registered with the United States Patent Office by Norimi Gosei Yamaguchi. To duplicate these service marks by way of printing, embroidering and founding or to display them in public without authorization may constitute service mark infringements and may be subject to lixiviation . Please refer to h About Goju-Kai Insignia"

About Goju-Kai Insignia
Honbu Dojo

Who's Who

Shibu Dojo


The basic idea of warming-up exercises is to start at the farthest place from the heart and to loosen up all the joints of the body without straining the heart. During the exercises, the hands are placed on the belt when they are not being utilized and the feet are paralleled to the width of the shoulders.

They are 18 items and last about 25 to 30 minutes to complete.

  1.   Toe joints and Ankles: a. starting with the right foot, alternately bend all the toes down and up ten times; b. bend the big toe up and the other toes down ten times and c. rotate the ankle from the left to the right then reverse the action ten times.

  2.   Knee joints: a. close the feet and bend the knees all the way down to the feet (the heels should be flat on the floor) and stand up while stretching knees by supporting with hands ten times: b. rotate the knees from the left to the right then reverse the action ten times.

  3.   Ankles and calves: using a parallel stance, first lift the heels up and then place them on the floor standing up only on the heels and pull the entire body back. Repeat the actions ten times.

  4.   Legs: spread the legs wide; a. push the right foot firmly against the floor (the toes should be placed on the floor facing the outside); push the heel at a ninety degrees angle toward outside and press the leg down; c. pull the toes up and stand on the heel; the other knee is bent while the hips push down deeply (alternate with both legs.)

  5.   Hips, waist, and stomach: spread the legs wide and hold the hands together above the head: a. bend the body forwards to the floor and then backwards: b. rotate the body in a circular movement from the left to the right the reverse the action ten times.

  6.   Waist: Mawashi-uke movement: a. twist the body from the left side to the right four times : b. twist the body from the left side of the back of the waist to the right four times: c. twist the body downward from the left to the right four times and d. lean the body backwards while push the hands upward over the shoulders four times.

  7.   General exercise push-ups: a. placing the body's weight first on the fists, do thirty push-ups, keeping the back perfectly straight. b. placing the body's weight on the fingertips, arch the back and do ten push-ups, using the "dipping" movement.

  8.   Fingers: press the open hands together and stretch the palms; b. press the fingers together and stretch the joints, and shake out both hands well.

  9.   Shoulder joints: lift the elbows to shoulder level and pull the arms back to stretch the chest.

  10.   General exercise: sit-ups; sit on the floor with a partner and clasp legs together; do one hundred sit-ups, without letting the shoulders touch the floor.

  11.   Stomach muscles: laying flat on the floor, raise the legs and the neck about six inches from the floor and hold this position for about thirty seconds each time.

  12.   Back: laying flat on the floor, roll the legs back over the head and then sit up, pushing the head to the knees (repeat this exercise ten times).

  13.   Toes: sitting on the floor, stretch the toes up and down then rotate the ankles (alternate with both feet).

  14.   Hip joints: sitting on the floor, raise the right foot up to the chest supporting by hands and repeat the same motion with the left foot ten times.

  15.   General exercise: "squats"; using a parallel stance cross the arms and do between thirty and fifty deep-knee bends, keeping the back straight.

  16.   Hip joints: using the parallel stance, place the hands on the belt and raise each knee up to the chest starting from the right knee ten times.

  17.   Hip joints: using the parallel stance, stretch the right leg up toward the head ten times, keeping the leg straight(repeat the same with the left leg).

  18.   Neck: a. place the chin on the chest and stretch the head back ten times, tensing the neck muscles; b. rotate the head in a circular movement first toward the left and then right ten times; and c. turn the head from the left side to the right quickly then reverse the action ten times.

